English 302    Business Communication
As the purpose of this course is to prepare you for your career, I will expect you to treat this class as you would treat any professional work experience from which you would not want to be fired. No employer would tolerate employees skipping work, week-late projects, or generally unprofessional behavior; neither will I. Essentially, many of the class policies will reflect the expectations your future employers would have.

You will be held responsible for fully understanding and adhering to the following:

Failure to adhere to the policies above will adversely affect your final grade.

Most class announcements will be made during class time; however, some announcements will be posted to the class e-mail list, so you will be required to check your e-mail frequently (I would recommend at least once a day). The e-mail addresses that I have are your ISU addresses. If you have another account you would prefer to use for this class, send me an e-mail to inform me of the address I should use. You can also set up your ISU account to be automatically forwarded by following this process:

  1. Go to the Acropolis Website and log in
  2. Click on Manage User <username>
  3. On the next page, click on View/Edit your e-mail delivery
  4. On the "Mail Delivery" page, check the button next to Forwarded to and enter the e-mail address you to which you would like your messages forwarded
  5. Click the Update Now button
  6. Click the Logout button

University Policies
This class also adheres to the guidelines established by Iowa State University. Along with policies developed for this specific course, you are expected to follow official university policies. Here are additional links to this information:

Course Information | Policy Sheet | Assignments | Class Activities | Class Notes | Resources