English 314    Technical Communication 

Computer Courtesy
When we are in the computer classrooms, the computers are to be used for classroom purposes during appropriate designated times. If you have completed your assignment: proofread, get another perspective, help someone else, etc. Do not distract your classmates or ask to leave early, unless you would like to use a vacation day.

Just because we are in the computer classroom does not necessarily mean we will always be using the computers. Computers are only to be used when class time has been designated as workshop time. When your classmates are presenting or we are discussing information in class, there should be no typing / clicking with computers during presentations. Doing so can adversely affect your participation grade.

Appropriate Material
There are certain materials available on the Internet that are not suitable for a classroom setting; I probably don't need to list them. Any material that could be considered offensive (to a specific person / people in class or just in general) or inappropriate should not be viewed on the computers in class. Viewing any of these materials in class will get you kicked out of class for the day and count as you having skipped class.

Food / Drink in Class
Neither food nor drink is allowed in any computer classroom. If we have class in a regular classroom, you are welcome to bring any food that does not disrupt class (crinkly wrappers, foul smell, etc.). Eating / drinking in a computer classroom will get you kicked out of class for the day and count as you having skipped class.

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