English 104
Learning Style Reflection
Write a reflection with your thoughts about the results from your Kolb Learning Style Inventory.

Keep in mind that your preferred learning style is just that—your preferred learning style. This doesn't mean that you are always going to learn in the same manner; it doesn't mean that you won't change or develop different methods of learning; it doesn't mean that you don't use multiple style of learning, even right now. But this Inventory can help you figure out how you can make your learning environments conducive to your own learning... What did you learn from this Inventory that could help you in your college career, or even once you get into your professional field?

You may—but don't have to—choose to focus on:

  • What experiences / people in your life do you think would demonstrate some things from the results of your Inventory? How do past experiences / mentors influence or shape the way you think today? Which experiences / people have been most influential? Why? Do your Inventory results show this? How?
  • How do the results of your Inventory correspond with the necessary skills and talents used in your major? Does the Inventory reflect the creativity or attention to detail that your major would require? Are there any findings from the Inventory that might show another possible interest / career choice that would fit your learning style and personality? If so, what? Do you agree that this field would be a good match for you?
  • Are there different situations, environments, or people that influence the way you prefer to work / learn? What? How do these different elements affect your learning? Why do certain ways of learning work better for you in certain situations?
  • Try taking the Kolb Learning Style Inventory after two very different classes (like Math, then English; or Art Studio, then Economics)... Do your results change? Are the changes in these results possibly indicative of the "mode of thinking" each class requires, or maybe of the style of class, or even your level of interest in that class? Expand...
or some other point or finding that you found interesting. Did you find anything unexpected or was anything highlighted that really helps you see ways you can improve your learning / study techniques? What? How?

This paper is due Tuesday, November 19th.