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In the bibliography of your paper, authors are listed last name first if there is a single author. If there is more than one author, the first listed is last name first, and the rest are listed first name then last name. If any of the necessary information is not available, it is simply omitted from the entry, and all of the other components are listed as shown. Bibliographies are alphabetized according to the first word of each entry and are not numbered or centered.

Author. Book Title. Edition. City: Publisher, Year.

Kostelnick, Charles and David D. Roberts. Designing Visual Language. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1998.

Author. "Article Title." Journal Title Volume (Year): Pages.

Floreak, Michael J. "Designing for the Real World: Using Research to Turn a 'Target Audience' into Real People." Technical Communication 36 (1989): 373-381.

Author. "Article Title." Magazine, Date Month Year: Pages.

McCallum, Jack. "Lords of the Rings." Sports Illustrated, 18 February 1991: 30+.

Movie Title. Director. Main Actors. Production Studio, Year.

Tommy Boy. Peter Segal. Chris Farley and David Spade. Paramount, 1995.

Author. "Article Title." Newspaper. Day, Date Month Year. Section.

Jacobsen, Scott. "Just Jake." Iowa State Daily. Friday, 14 January 2000. A3.

Author. "Article Title." Newspaper. Day, Date Month Year. Section. URL. Date Accessed.

McCall, Bruce. "The Perfect Non-Apology Apology." The New York Times. Sunday, 22 April 2001. WeekinReview. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/22/weekinreview/22MCCA.html. 02/12/2002.
(basically, you add the URL and the date you looked at the page on the Internet—in case that page gets updated or deleted after you view it—at the end of the regular information, as seen above in an online newspaper article)

Sample Bibliography

Floreak, Michael J. "Designing for the Real World: Using Research to Turn a 'Target Audience' into Real People." Technical Communication 36 (1989): 373-381.
"HampsterDance2 Web Site Privacy Statement." Hampsterdance2. Abatis International, LLC, 2001. http://www.hampsterdance.com/
Jacobsen, Scott. "Just Jake." Iowa State Daily. Friday, 14 January 2000. A3.
Kostelnick, Charles and David D. Roberts. Designing Visual Language. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1998.
McCall, Bruce. "The Perfect Non-Apology Apology." The New York Times. Sunday, 22 April 2001. WeekinReview. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/22/weekinreview/22MCCA.html. 02/12/2002.
McCallum, Jack. "Lords of the Rings." Sports Illustrated, 18 February 1991: 30+.
Seinfeld, Jerry. Seinlanguage. New York: Bantam Books, 1993.
Tommy Boy. Peter Segal. Chris Farley and David Spade. Paramount, 1995.