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Character Comparison
Choose a sitcom character whom you feel closely resembles you and write a one-page comparison between yourself and that character.

Basically, think of this as a quick way to introduce yourself to someone, so this person needs an understanding of the character you choose is similar to you. Do not choose a character that is not widely known. Other people won't be able to relate very well or understand the connection between you and "Guy #2 Walking Down Crowded Street" in Ally McBeal.

If you cannot think of a character from a sitcom, you may also want to compare yourself to a political figure, novel character, movie character, athlete, etc. Choose someone people will know and understand a bit about when you compare your personality to the public figure.

You may choose to focus on:

  • personality traits - sarcastic and annoying like Dave Letterman, spacy and weird like Phoebe from Friends, etc.
  • physical characteristics - frizzy hair like Kramer from Seinfeld, a huge chin like Jay Leno, etc.
  • sayings or phrases - "I don't think so, Tim" like Al from Home Improvement, "Yada yada yada" like Elaine from Seinfeld, etc.
  • political slogans - like Teddy Roosevelt, "Speak softly and carry a big stick."—or Harry Truman, "The buck stops here."
  • talents - good story-writer like Stephen King or three-point shooter like Larry Bird
or any other connection that you feel would show how you relate to that character. Here is my example.

This paper is due Thursday, January 24th.