English   105
  Even though you will be writing a specific essay for a specific audience, be sure to read this entire assignment sheet, as the guidelines / suggestions for any of these essays can easily apply to all of these essays.

Architecture Application Essay
Here are the guidelines straight from the Department of Architecture as to what your application essay should entail:

The essay must be a single page typed statement (less than 500 words) written by the application. Discuss why the study of architecture interests you and why you want to become an architect or work in the field of environmental design. Readers will consider both content and quality of expression.
what should I write about?
Why architecture interests you; your understanding of ideas and concepts regarding architecture that makes it of interest to you; why you are motivated to pursue architecture. Be concrete. Be specific. The weakest essays are those that say nothing. "I love architecture. I have always wanted to be an architect," tells your reader nothing, no matter how many times you say it.
how long should my essay be?
One page maximum single spaced—typed. There is no minimum, but obviously a short paragraph Is not going to make a substantial impression. Give yourself enough time to really work on this assignment.
does the quality of my writing count?
Absolutely. That's the primary reason we have this requirement. Good architects need excellent verbal skills.

Graphic Design Application Essay
Here are the guidelines straight from the Graphic Design Analysis 2. The paper you write for this class will be a practice paper for your application essay; you cannot submit this paper with your Professional Program Portfolio or for ArtGr 177, as it will not properly and completely fulfill the requirements for either of these assignments. However, this essay will be exactly the type of analysis you will need to produce, so it will still be excellent practice:

In your ArtGr 177 class, you will already have written the first part of this assignment. For this English 105 paper, you will use "analysis 1" and the piece of art you analyzed in that paper as the first part of this assignment. So you will be choosing a piece of art for this assignment that you can relate to your original essay, according to the guidelines below; however, you may not use the same piece of art for this English 105 paper as you will be using for your ArtGr 177 paper.
These two graphic design pieces (analysis 1 example and analysis 2 example) must be related in some way to each other. Some examples of the types of relatedness between the two pieces:
  • they may communicate a message about the same or similar topic;
  • or: they might be different methods for communicating the same idea;
  • or: they may be exactly opposite in their messages (cigarettes are cool vs. cigarettes are stupid);
  • or: they both use the same design principles in an innovative way (if the relationship is primarily about formal issues, it must be a strong, noticeable relationship; for example not just that they both use contrast of size).
In analysis 2, repeat the same analysis process that you did in part A of analysis 1 (see ArtGr 177 assignment sheet). Then, complete the following analysis for part B:
part B:
Conceptual issues:
What is the concept of the piece? What approach (or method) is the designer taking to express this? Is there a visual metaphor or pun? If so, describe it. Include in this section a translation of the headline of the poster. You don/t need to translate any text other than major headline(s). How are the visual and verbal message working together? What assumptions are being made by the designer about the audience? Are these assumptions reasonable? Do NOT limit your analysis to what can be found in existing books. You will be graded on the accuracy, depth and completeness of your observations.
Critical analysis:
From what you know about visual communication, is this an effective piece? If so, why? If not, why not? Include here comments about both the formal, conceptual and communication aspects. Regardless of whether or not you think the piece is effective, identify one or two possible changes that could improve the piece (try this even if you think it's perfect as is). You MUST explain why you suggest such changes.
Comparison of the Two Pieces:
For this Comparison section, compare the two pieces of design. Include the following: Why did you select the piece used in analysis 2 to compare with the one originally assigned to you? How are they similar? How are they different? You will be graded on the appropriateness of your selection and the depth and accuracy of your comparative observations.

For this assignment, will turn in:

  1. a copy of the analysis of your first piece of art (I won't be grading this; I just want to be able to understand any references you make to that analysis)
  2. copies of both pieces of art (the one you analyzed for your first essay, and the one you analyzed for this essay)
  3. this essay (but you probably could figure that one out...)

Landscape Architecture Application Essay
Here are the guidelines straight from the Department of Landscape Architecture as to what your application essay should entail:

The essay must be a typed, single page statement (up to 500 words) written by the applicant. Please respond to the following question: Analyze the effects of a personal experience or risk you have taken. Explain why this is significant to you and its implications to others. The intent of the essay is for reviewers to assess your written communication skills and your ability to organize your thinking verbally. In addition, the essay should reveal something about your personal attributes and aspirations. Reviewers will consider both content and quality of expression. Please submit two copies of the essay. One may be included in the portfolio, and the second copy handed in to staff in the LA Department Office.
This is an important component of your overall submission. Allot adequate time to present yourself and your ideas thoughtfully and succinctly through your essay.

A list of general Scholarships for Undergraduates for the university is available on the Office of Student Financial Aid website. If you cannot find something specific to your major, try this list. Be sure to choose one that requires a 500-word essay. (You will need to submit a link to the scholarship you chose along with this paper.)

Advertising Scholarships
Since the advertising program does not require an application essay for admittance, you will be applying for a scholarship instead. Information for various scholarships is available online at Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication: Scholarships. The deadline for receiving this scholarship for the 2003-2004 school year has passed, but you can still write, revise, and submit an essay for the following year. The Application Form is available online with other requirements, such as personal information and submission requirements. Here are the essay requirements:

Write an essay (maximum 500 words) describing the following:
  1. Your past or current activities, awards, and work experiences that best illustrate your personality, goals, and interests related to the journalism, advertising, and or communication field. (If you have indicated special interest above, please elaborate.)
  2. Your professional and career goals.
  3. Why you deserve a Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication scholarship.

College of Design Scholarships
For those of you whose professional program does not require an application essay, you will browse the list of scholarships at the College of Design Scholarships page and choose one you will apply for. There are dozens of design scholarships available to you. Be sure to read all of the requirements for the scholarships, for some of them may not be available to you. Also, you must choose a scholarship that requires a 500-word essay—nothing shorter, and nothing that does not require an essay. You are more than welcome to apply for these, but a scholarship application that does not require a 500-word essay will not fulfill this assignment. Be sure to read all of the instructions on your chosen scholarship application form, as the application will have additional information to assist and guidelines to follow in writing your application essay.

Engineering Scholarships
Since individual engineering programs do not require application essays for admittance into their specific majors, you will be applying for a scholarship instead. Information for various scholarships is available online at Engineering Scholarships: Current Students. The deadline for receiving this scholarship for the 2003-2004 school year has passed, but you can still write, revise, and submit an essay for the following year. Be sure to read the Instruction/Tip Sheet and Sample Application Form, as those documents will have additional information to assist and guidelines to follow in writing your application essay.