English   105
  Here will be where I list the readings for the entire semester. Have these readings completed for the class date listed. Remember to check back frequently because we may change the schedule along the way.

April 10Tommy Boy: Puppet Show
April 10Tommy Boy: Zalinsky's Commercial
April 10Tommy Boy: Chicken Wings
April 10Tommy Boy: Tommy's First Sale
April 10Tommy Boy: Zalinsky's Factory
April 10Tommy Boy: Tommy's Final Sale
February 18Meno by Plato
February 4Crito by Plato
January 21"Learning Styles" by George Jensen (handout)

January 28Personality Types Online Inventory
Steps for this assignment:
  1. Take the personality type assessment test (it will open in a new window).
  2. After answering all of the questions, click on the button.
  3. Read the results on your personality assessment. Record the information that looks like the table below (your results may not be ENFP; that is just my example):

    Your Type is
    Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving
    Strength of the preferences %
    44 89 22 33

  4. Read the two descriptions of your personality types at the following links that will be on the page:
    ENFP type description by D. Keirsey
    ENFP type description by J. Butt
  5. Print out the D. Keirsey description of your personality, write your type and scores from the table above on this printout, along with 3 famous people who share your personality type (found on the J. Butts link), and bring it to class.
  6. Use this information in your weekly paper on Psychoanalysis. How do these results relate to this paper?