English   105
  Analyze an aspect of your own personality according to Jensen's article, "Learning Styles" and using the findings from your Personality Types Online Inventory.

We spend so much time in college studying all kinds of crap, but how often do we take time to understand ourselves? Write a paper explaining what discoveries this article led you to find about yourself. Will these insights into your own personality help you understand more about you and other people? Why / why not? What about your learning style—do you have a better idea of how to improve your own learning?

You may choose to focus on:

  • your own personality and how it relates to one of the pairings of personality traits:
    • Extraversion / Introversion
    • Sensing / INtuition
    • Thinking / Feeling
    • Judgment / Perception
  • your own personality in relation to how you learn best
  • what effects your personality has on your classroom persona; how you interact with teachers and other students
  • how your personality affects your writing process and time management skills
or any other issues you think are interesting to the understanding of your own personality. Did you learn anything new about yourself that you hadn't realized or consciously thought about before?

This paper is due Thursday, February 6th.