English 302    Business Communication

Due: Tuesday, April 20th

With two partners from different majors than your own, write a three- to four-page memo proposing a possible writing assignment for English 302 that would incorporate the types of writing done within each of your majors and / or future careers. Be sure to provide in your memo the benefits of this proposed assignment idea, showing how this assignment would not only develop students' writing, but also directly relate the material in English 302 to your fields of study.

Writing in Your Fields of Study
You will need to do some background investigations into the types of writing graduates from your programs do in the workforce. Possible ways of gathering this information could be:

  • Textbooks—Notice the different examples and practice assignments your textbooks for different courses offer. What types of writing do these assignments ask you to emulate most often? What aspects of writing do these books emphasize? Why?
  • Internships / Co-ops—Think of the types of writing you developed / observed in the workforce. How did your employers approach you to complete certain writing tasks? What did they ask for? What constraints did they place on the project you were writing?
  • Businesspersons—Investigate the types of writing people in your industry create. What genres of writing do they most often create? What expectations are placed on their writings? Why?
  • Professors—Ask your professors what types of writing they try to emphasize in their classes. What workplace influences do they have shaping the writing they offer to their students? How do they stay connected to Corporate America? What recommendations do these contacts offer your professors about the development of writing assignments for their classes?

Relation of English 302 to Your Majors
As with the Introductory Memo, you will be discussing the relationship between English 302 and your own field of study. Be sure to examine and analyze the writing concepts and goals of English 302 so you can show how these goals coincide with or can be developed for your particular writing tasks you face in classwork / future employment.

Another aspect of relationships you will want to show is how your research / investigation into genres of writing prevalent in your field are addressed, developed, or enhanced by concepts from English 302. Be thorough in your descriptions and analysis. Show with concrete examples how courses like this are important to your field, connecting the concepts and skills from both areas together.

Proposed Writing Assignment
Once you have thoroughly described the types of writing done in your field and shown how English 302 impacts the professional writing skills particular to your fields of study, provide a possible assignment idea that could emulate types of writing done in your fields. Consider these elements of this assignment when developing your proposal:

  • Writing Skills Necessary to Your Field—You will have already gathered vast amounts of information and written extensively about the writing done in your field; here you will want to highlight / summarize that information and relate the specific skills you are trying to incorporate into your assignment, as well as justification of your focus on these particular goals. Why does your proposed assignment choose to develop these particular skills, concepts, or genres of writing?
  • Goals of Your Proposed Assignment—One of the main goals you will have in your assignment is to provide writing experience specific to your particular field of study. Keep in mind the types of writing your future career may expect, and develop an assignment that can emulate that writing. Think about what information / skills / knowledge you would want to pass on to other students in your major, and create an assignment that can develop that knowledge.
  • Goals of This Assignment—Keep in mind that the main goals of this assignment are to develop your proposal-writing skills within the framework of relating writing in your major to this class. How can your proposed assignment best demonstrate your understanding of the relationship between English 302 and your field of study, as well as offer future English 302 students an opportunity to better develop writing specific to their future careers?
  • Scope of the Assignment—I realize that you are not teachers, so do not feel as though you have to completely develop fully-comprehensive assignments and provide pedagogical justification and benefits for every aspect of your proposed assignment. You do not have to write anything as specific and detailed as an assignment sheet, but offer a generalized picture of your idea and what types of tasks students will do in your assignment, as well as describing any particular activities or additional tools that would be included in this assignment idea.
    Example: If your assignment calls for the development and distribution of an in-depth worksheet that constitutes part of your assignment, do not worry about developing the actual worksheet in its entirety; simply offer me a basic understanding of the goal of the worksheet and the types of tasks to be included on the sheet, possibly with an example.
  • Feasibility—determine whether your proposed idea is even possible; for example, if you are proposing an assignment or activity that requires meeting more often in a computer lab, do research to make sure a computer lab is available (just because a lab is "open" does not make it available for class)

Proposal Components
As we discussed in class, this assignment will be an abbreviated, more informal proposal. Below is a list of the necessary components:

  • Bold blue text signifies required components
  • Strikethrough text signifies unnecessary components
  • Regular black text signifies components that may be necessary depending on your own projects

Front MatterBody of ProposalBack Matter
Copy of Request for proposals
Cover letter
Title page

Table of contents
List of figures
Executive summary
Background or problem statement
Product description
Detailed solution

Cost analysis
Delivery schedule
Site preparation
Statement of responsibilities
Description of vendor
Organizational sales pitch
Authorization request and deadline


Be sure to check out pages 436-56 of your handbook for more information on proposals.

You will want to incorporate all of the information from your proposal into a fifteen-minute presentation (including a question and answer segment). And remember, your audience will not want to read large chunks of text on a PowerPoint slide.

Individual slides should not necessarily contain all of the information from your presentation. Often times slides are used as outlines for the presentation, offering main ideas and supporting ideas, where the speaker(s) elaborate on the concepts from the slides with the descriptions and analysis of the concepts displayed. Don't offer too much information on your slides so that you are merely reading the information; your audience could probably do this without your help.

In the same way, be sure to include enough information on your slides so all of the main ideas are presented and, in the speaking component of your presentation, you are not introducing ideas that are difficult to link with the sparse text on the slides themselves. For more information and examples of how to construct presentations, see Creating Presentations in the class notes sections.

Accompanying Memo
With this assignment, you will individually submit a one-page memo, addressed to me, analyzing (not summarizing) the following:

  • why your group chose this topic for your report
  • the dynamics of your group interactions (did things run smoothly/poorly, and why...)
  • an assessment of your other two group members and their contributions to your project, along with an evaluative mark ("A-" or "C+" etc.) for each
The above should help me understand how and why you came up with your ideas for this assignment. Be thorough in your evaluation of your group members and group interactions. Do not simply state "Bob did a great job." Explain to me why Bob did a great job, what he did to contribute to the project, why this was useful, etc.

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