English 302    Business Communication

Due: Thursday, April 1st

For this assignment, you will consider a workplace experience you've had where a change in policy was necessary for effective company business. Write a one- to two-page memo informing employees of the policy change and the need for that change. (Your implemented policy cannot be something readily accepted and non-controversial, such as allowing employees an additional 15-minute break during each shift or an extra week of vacation per year.) Your policy change memo needs to require persuasive reasoning on your part to demonstrate to employees the need for a seemingly-undesired or negative change.

Policy Memo Components
Consider reasons that policies might be implemented and how new policies would need to be presented in order to be accepted by employees:

  • Problem—What problem has arisen that requires resolution? What is the magnitude of this problem? What related events are necessary to understand the impact of this problem?
  • Audience—What understanding of the problem does your audience have? How can you fully explain the problem and its effects on the company to your audience? What information is necessary to include?
  • Policy Reception—How will your audience recieve your policy? How can you present a policy that restricts employees in a way that seems beneficial to them?
  • Desired Resolution—How do you intend to resolve the problem within the company? What changes need to be made to fix the problem? Be sure to keep this goal in mind when constructing your memo so all of the letter information relates to this goal.

Alternative Policy Memo
If you recall a workplace experience where an existing policy was not being followed by individuals in a company, you may also write a policy reminder memo. In such a case, be sure to also include reasons why a reminder of the given policy is necessary:

  • Observations—What incidents have you observed that demonstrate a given policy has not been properly followed by employees? How should these incidents be presented in the memo to avoid accusations?
  • Rationale—Expand on why the policy was originally implemented. What events led to the creation of the policy? What could happen if employees fail to adhere to the policy?

Affecting Change in Your Audience
Remember your audience and remember your goal when writing your policy change memo. Despite the necessity of the policy change you propose, your memo / policy will not be effective if employees do not support the change. This change will only happen if you appeal properly to your audience. Consider tactful phrasing in every sentence of your memo:

  • "You" Viewpoint—be sure to present your policy change(s) as beneficial to your readers; focus on the audience's interests and concerns about the possible effects of your policy change
  • Diplomatic / Goal-Oriented—keeps your intended resolution in mind in all aspects of the memo, focusing on creating an understanding in your audience of the need for your policy, but desire to maintain good working relationships and attitudes toward the company, despite possible negative impacts on the audiences
  • Confrontational / Demanding—accuses your audience of failing to meet your expectations in terms of the company policy, simply venting frustration about a given problem without focusing on how this problem can be resolved
The best complaint letters will offer reasonable, diplomatic resolutions to the problem at hand. Be sure to read the information on Understanding Audience for more examination of audiences.

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