English 104
Designer's Choice
Choose one of your favorite creations (something you made, drew, sculpted) and write a paper describing that work to me.

I want to be able to see the project you're talking about when you hand in this paper. So, if you built a playground, you can take a ton of pictures and attach them to your paper; if you drew something, you could make me a photocopy; if you designed a website, you could put the URL at the top of the paper. In your paper, describe the project you created and, more importantly, why you liked that project. Expand with an explanation of your design, your motivation for that piece, the symbolism of that piece, your interest in this particular creation, etc.

This is somewhat of an expansion of the Design Autobiography; but this time, the paper is very specific about a certain piece you created and why you like that piece. When I read your Design Autobiographies, I got to read about your interest in design in a verbal / somewhat abstract way. I want to hear more about your interest in design, but this time with some visual examples so I can see specifically what types of work you enjoy doing.

Think of it this way: I am an English teacher who has little experience in design and no idea how some of this design stuff works. Explain it to me.
(I must say, however, that I have at least ten-plus years of Lego experience on any of you...)

You may—but don't have to—choose to focus on:

  • What was the motivation for the piece you are describing? What really interested you in that particular project?
  • How does this project relate to what you hope to be doing in your major? your career? Did this type of project lead you to your interest in design?
  • Was it the process of creating this project that you enjoyed? How did you conceptualize the project? What led you to discovering the idea? Did the project turn out the way you had anticipated it would?
or some other aspect of your work that you want to share. You may even want to talk about why you chose a particular piece of work for this paper. Basically, this will be good practice for expressing your creativity in words for when you present your works to critique panels.

This paper is due Tuesday, November 5th.