English 314    Technical Communication 
Professional Tone
bring out ____accentuate, complement, emphasize, enhance, extract, highlight
catch ongrasp, learn, understand
come acrossappear, discover, encounter, find, locate, reveal
come up withcreate, brainstorm, derive, develop, discover, formulate
day to daydaily, habitual, mundane, perpetual, regular, routine, typical
deal withaddress, confront, contain, encompass, manage, resolve, tolerate
end upconclude, finalize, finish, settle
figure (verb)compute, determine, solve
find outdiscover, learn, realize, research
flexibleaccommodating, adaptable, lenient, limber, moldable, open-minded, viable, variable
for startersfirst, initially
get toarrive, have the opportunity, permitted, privilege to, reach
go farther alongcontinue, elaborate, expand, extend, extrapolate, proceed
go in to ____engage, enter, explore
go out and ____(eliminate), going
good / bad calldecision, mistake, selection
got rid ofannihilate, delete, destroy, discard, disposed, eliminate, expell, exterminate, extinguish
I'm doing ____ for my presentationdiscussing, explaining, I have prepared, I'm presenting
keep your eyes openalert, attentive, be aware, focus, observe, vigilant, watch
key / a mustcritical, crucial, fundamental, important, instrumental, priority, significant, vital
look overexamine, oversee, proofread, review, revise, scan, skim, supervise
open doorscreate opportunities, generate, initiate
pickchoose, opt, select
play a roleact, assist, component, function as, influence, interact, participate
plusadditionally, advantage, as well, benefit, furthermore, in addition
put my finger on itcomprehend, define, determine, identify, narrow, pinpoint, visualize
real worldcareer, practical, workplace
right wayaccurately, correctly, precisely, proper
some sort of(eliminate), particular, specific, variation
stand outemphasize, noticeable, predominant, prominent
start offbegin, commence
stuff / thingsconcepts, items, topics
think twicecontemplate, ponder, reassess, reconsider, reflect, rethink
this is where ____ comes inat this point, therefore
threw outdiscard, eliminate, omit, propose, suggest
to the pointaccurate, brief, concise, direct, succinct
to top it all offcomplete, finalize, in closing

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