Writing for the World Wide Web
Website Analysis Compilation
Create a webpage/website with the information you gathered from your Corporate/Professional Website Analysis and "Unprofessional" Website Analysis papers.

Here is the PowerPoint Presentation from class on Tuesday (with ideas for generating an organization scheme for this assignment).

Once you have the Corporate/Professional Website Analysis and "Unprofessional" Website Analysis papers written, you will need to present this information on your website so your classmates can benefit from this information. Remember, print-style and internet-style documents are quite different. People probably won't want to scroll through an entire paper with huge chunks of text on a website. Make sure you present your analysis in a way that makes the information easily accessable over the internet. This assignment should not only discuss how writing should be created for the web, but the site you create should demonstrate these writing techniques as well.

Think of the findings of your two analysis papers: How will this information not just become the material for your Website Analysis Compilation webpage, but also employ the techniques you found in your research? The papers you submitted were three-page, static, print documents. How can you employ the features the Internet offers into displaying your findings effectively on the web? I can guarantee that your readers (your classmates) will not want to read your entire papers in prose format on the web...

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