Writing for the World Wide Web
Online Tutorial

Create an online tutorial that takes advantage of the special features that the internet has to offer: links back and forth between chunks of information, pop-up windows, etc. Be sure to fully explain the process you are trying to teach. Make sure your readers will know exactly what you are talking about when you discuss components of your tutorial; including screenshots in your tutorial may help you describe a computer-related process. You can also scan in pictures to include on your website. You may even want to ask classmates to try your tutorial to ensure that it is clear and effective.

Here are some examples of tutorial websites I have created:

Some of these tutorials are quite lengthy—the STC Webpage Workshop site especially, but even the FTP Tutorial is rather long. You don't have to choose a project this large; in fact, I would recommend against it. Pick something that would be about as much as one or two pages of the STC site, or one method of FTP from the FTP Tutorial.

Also, think about practicality of your tutorial. We all know the cliche of the videotape that has the instructions for running the VCR; an online tutorial about landing a plane probably won't be too useful when actually in the plane. In addition, users of a tutorial should not need an extensive knowledge base to understand your tutorial; choose something rather simple. Don't choose something for which people will need graduate degrees in Nuclear-Physics as a prerequisite...

If you have trouble thinking of a tutorial idea, talk to your classmates or me. We can even brainstorm as a class for ideas.

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